So as I’m sure a lot of you already know the World Cup events in Europe are closed entry this year, meaning only 40 boats will get to compete. 30 of the places will be chosen from the world rankings as of the 2nd of February with the other 10 being selected at the Princess Sofia Regatta in Spain later this year. So that being said I’m stoked to say I am currently world number 27 and have gained automatic entry into the ISAF Sailing World Cup in Hyeres, France. This is a huge relief because it means I don’t have to go to Spain and fight for a place and can simply focus on doing the regatta as planed.
The other piece of news is my progress. After the summer I had a lot of things to fix and one of the major ones was getting stronger in the boat. After a hard month in the gym I had a strength test today that showed some really good improvements. For three reps I bench pulled 90kg, a PB and 12.5kg heavier than last testing 2 months ago. I benched 75kg, equal PB and 10kg more than last time and got 16 chin ups as I always do. Just cant seem to get any more. Hopefully I can keep that progression going while staying lean like I have 😉
More updates to come yeeww!!